Big As The Sky

Friday, January 7

new job?

I was up until 3 am which is soooo late for me. I have to get up for work by 4:30. Obviously I did not have to go today! Up at 7 to get the little one off to school, I have a lot to do today.

Even though I am currently in school I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. I have always wanted a daycare/preschool, and so, I am going to start one. Finally. Enough talking about it and doing nothing. Online classes at night and a daycare during the day.

My future hubby is such a supportive man, he always wants what I want. Well, usually. Unless it concerns the entertainment center and 47" television we are purchasing in a month or so. I guess that is okay though, I will take care of the details! :)

Thursday, January 6


I still can not believe my five year old SON wanted a hula hoop for Christmas.... He has wanted for for a while now so I, ahem, Santa finally gave in. He's pretty stinkin good too, lol

Now that we finally have a home of our own (and I have a 3 week break from school) I have been able to get out my scrapbooking garb, lol. Only I haven't been making scrapbook pages, I've gone digital with that. Instead I'm creating kitchen art. Have I mention yet how much I LOVE my kitchen?!

This is what I did all day! I love my bird and rooster pictures... the love birds have music notes in their word bubbles.... My Roost My Rules!!!

I found this window frame at a flea market for $2... I have another one just like in only a larger... I haven't filled that one yet...