Big As The Sky

Wednesday, January 12

Another snow day. At this rate the kids will still be in school in June. But time at home with my lil monkey is always great, we don't get too much of it.

Right now he is playing a video game and I am doing homework with a dog warming my feet.

I have four online classes again this semester. No procrastinating allowed! lol... That being said, I'd better get back to reading.

Hope everyone is keeping warm!

Friday, January 7

new job?

I was up until 3 am which is soooo late for me. I have to get up for work by 4:30. Obviously I did not have to go today! Up at 7 to get the little one off to school, I have a lot to do today.

Even though I am currently in school I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. I have always wanted a daycare/preschool, and so, I am going to start one. Finally. Enough talking about it and doing nothing. Online classes at night and a daycare during the day.

My future hubby is such a supportive man, he always wants what I want. Well, usually. Unless it concerns the entertainment center and 47" television we are purchasing in a month or so. I guess that is okay though, I will take care of the details! :)

Thursday, January 6


I still can not believe my five year old SON wanted a hula hoop for Christmas.... He has wanted for for a while now so I, ahem, Santa finally gave in. He's pretty stinkin good too, lol

Now that we finally have a home of our own (and I have a 3 week break from school) I have been able to get out my scrapbooking garb, lol. Only I haven't been making scrapbook pages, I've gone digital with that. Instead I'm creating kitchen art. Have I mention yet how much I LOVE my kitchen?!

This is what I did all day! I love my bird and rooster pictures... the love birds have music notes in their word bubbles.... My Roost My Rules!!!

I found this window frame at a flea market for $2... I have another one just like in only a larger... I haven't filled that one yet...

Saturday, January 1


Happy New Year!
My first New Year's Resolution is to be here more! It's been a while and a lot has happened...

My fiancee, our son and I are finally moved in to OUR house! Well, ours in 30 years! But I love it! Big kitchen and living room, high ceilings, and great back yard... What's not to love?!

I am finally back in college. For what? I have no idea. Can someone please tell me what I want to be when I grow up?

My son started kindergarten and LOVES it! He is very smart and SO funny!

We became a family of five on October 17. Wilson and Sadie, boxer-lab mix.

And then there was Christmas. My favorite time of year. The lights, music, and happiness in the air is far better than getting gifts in my opinion.